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Overview Osaka
What to do?
Practical Info

Some important information to keep in mind

Practical Info

*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding RM49 booking fee.

Practical Information about Osaka

Approximate Air Distance: 4,834 km

Approximate Flight Duration: 6 hrs

Busiest Airports: Departure from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KUL) / Arrival at Osaka International Airport (ITM), Kansai International Airport (KIX) or Kobe Airport (UKB) and etc.

Major Airlines: Air Asia X, Jetstar, Scoot, Japan Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Philippine Airlines, All Nippon Airways and etc.

Local Time: Local time is GMT +9.

Currency: The currency used in Osaka is the Yen (JPY). Banks are open from 9am to 3pm and are closed on weekends. Major credit cards are accepted but many Japanese operate with cash. There are ATMs throughout the city, but not all of them accept foreign cards.

Communication: The international dialing number for Osaka is +81 86. Internet cafes can be found through Osaka, and most hotels in Osaka have internet access in their rooms.

Electricity: Electrical current is 100 volts, 50Hz or 60Hz. Plug types may be irregular but the most common are the flat two and three-pin plugs depending on what part of Japan you are in. It is wise to carry an adapter.

Emergency numbers:
Police: 110
Ambulance: 119

To Osaka from

Kuala Lumpur

Kota Kinabalu

George Town

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*Return fares per person, including taxes, excluding RM49 booking fee.

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